'); document.reswin.document.write("

"); document.reswin.document.write("

Present Perfect (повторение) и Present Perfect Continuous (настоящее совершенное длительное). Утвердительные и отрицательные предложения

"); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); for(i=0; i"); if (ans_A[i]==1) {document.reswin.document.write("");} else {document.reswin.document.write("");} } document.reswin.document.write("
Правильных ответов: " + num_correct_A + "
Вопрос № Результат
"); document.reswin.document.write(i+1); document.reswin.document.write("верноневерно


Запись на бесплатный вебинар по английскому языку

Запись на бесплатный марафон по английскому языку

"); } function ResultWindowA() { if ((document.reswin==null)||(document.reswin.closed)) WriteToWindA(); else {document.reswin.close(); WriteToWindA();} document.WreturnValue=false; } function ShowAnswersA() {for(i=0; i Результаты упражнения '); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write("

Present Perfect (повторение) и Present Perfect Continuous (настоящее совершенное длительное). Утвердительные и отрицательные предложения

"); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); for(i=0; i"); if (ans_B[i]==1) {document.reswin.document.write("");} else {document.reswin.document.write("");} } document.reswin.document.write("
Правильных ответов: " + num_correct_B + "
Вопрос № Результат
"); document.reswin.document.write(i+1); document.reswin.document.write("верноневерно

"); } function ResultWindowB() { if ((document.reswin==null)||(document.reswin.closed)) WriteToWindB(); else {document.reswin.close(); WriteToWindB();} document.WreturnValue=false; } function ShowAnswersB() {for(i=0; i

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Английский язык: уроки онлайн

Уровень Intermediate

Урок 6. Артикль (Продолжение)

Тема 1. Употребление артикля с уникальными существительными. Артикли с существительными school, college, university, church, hospital, prison, work, home.

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. I would like to fly to moon one day.
  2. The old woman is going to church near the river.
  3. He couldn't get to work on time because of the terrible traffic jam.
  4. Every child wants to walk on Milky Way.
  5. You will be sent to prison where you will spend many years.
  6. It is so great to be a scientist and explore Universe.
  7. What wonderful weather we are having today!
  8. It was new horizon of human knowledge.
  9. Do you still go to church every Sunday?
  10. This is prison, not a resort.

Упражнение 2.Определите, является ли предложение правильным (Correct) или неправильным (Wrong).

  1. Let's stay at home in evening and watch a good film.
  2. Clean your teeth and go to the bed. You need a good sleep.
  3. His behaviour is quite weird, because he has been in the prison for seven years.
  4. Tomorrow we are going to cross the equator.
  5. There was not a single cloud in blue sky.
  6. The travellers wanted to see the wonders of the East.
  7. We go to the zoo once in a blue moon.
  8. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a week.
  9. What is a weather like today? - It is sunny.
  10. The explorers discovered the new world of prehistoric creatures.

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