'); document.reswin.document.write("

"); document.reswin.document.write("

Present Perfect (повторение) и Present Perfect Continuous (настоящее совершенное длительное). Утвердительные и отрицательные предложения

"); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); for(i=0; i"); if (ans_A[i]==1) {document.reswin.document.write("");} else {document.reswin.document.write("");} } document.reswin.document.write("
Правильных ответов: " + num_correct_A + "
Вопрос № Результат
"); document.reswin.document.write(i+1); document.reswin.document.write("верноневерно


Запись на бесплатный вебинар по английскому языку

Запись на бесплатный марафон по английскому языку

"); } function ResultWindowA() { if ((document.reswin==null)||(document.reswin.closed)) WriteToWindA(); else {document.reswin.close(); WriteToWindA();} document.WreturnValue=false; } function ShowAnswersA() {for(i=0; i Результаты упражнения '); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write("

Present Perfect (повторение) и Present Perfect Continuous (настоящее совершенное длительное). Утвердительные и отрицательные предложения

"); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); for(i=0; i"); if (ans_B[i]==1) {document.reswin.document.write("");} else {document.reswin.document.write("");} } document.reswin.document.write("
Правильных ответов: " + num_correct_B + "
Вопрос № Результат
"); document.reswin.document.write(i+1); document.reswin.document.write("верноневерно

"); } function ResultWindowB() { if ((document.reswin==null)||(document.reswin.closed)) WriteToWindB(); else {document.reswin.close(); WriteToWindB();} document.WreturnValue=false; } function ShowAnswersB() {for(i=0; i

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Английский язык: уроки онлайн

Уровень Intermediate

Урок 6. Артикль (Продолжение)

Тема 4. Употребление артикля в выражениях и словосочетаниях с предлогами

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. That was the day of sad news.
  2. You are just in time. The dinner is ready.
  3. She is as busy as bee. She is taking her summer exams.
  4. The man was arrested by mistake.
  5. I think he will find it out in nearest future.
  6. The mighty tigress is playing like kitten.
  7. Let's buy a bottle of champagne to celebrate your award.
  8. The teacher told us to learn the poem by heart.
  9. The boy greeted us with happy smile.
  10. You don't love me. Your heart is as cold as ice.

Упражнение 2.Определите, является ли предложение правильным (Correct) или неправильным (Wrong).

  1. The two warriors fought together side by the side.
  2. I think that was love at the first sight.
  3. The boy set the house on fire and tried to escape.
  4. The customer asked for a loaf of a bread.
  5. The bus was late so I got to work by taxi.
  6. You will be working here till the end of time.
  7. We tried to contact them by the email.
  8. My car broke down, so I went on foot.
  9. A strange woman knocked at a front door of a house.
  10. Yesterday I bought a set of stories by O`Henry.

Перейти к теории Следующая тема

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