We invite you to advertise with us this year and would like to inform you of our special conditions. If you include proof of full payment along with completed application form before the deadline - the 1st of June 2006, we can offer you a 5% discount on our price list!

We would also like to let you know that starting at only 60 £ we offer:

  • PRINTED PUBLICATION 25.000 copies
  • ELECTRONIC PUBLICATION ON THE INTERNET - available minimum for 1 year, including information about your institution and courses up to 250 words with photos
  • web link to your site from

Electronic calculator is a new program at our website which allows any visitor to type in his demands in the following columns: a country, a course, type of visa, type of accommodation, discounts, type of English language program, etc. and find out what sum to pay if he wants to study in the selected school or town. It is widely used also by travel and education agencies sending people to study abroad. If you give an ad in our magazine you will be included to the program for free.

You could find it here.

We can also offer you to take advantage of the opportunity to put an Internet banner of your school on our site. Our web-designers can make it for you.

Please note that if you want your information to be included in 2006 year both printed and OnLine versions of the Booklet the deadline for booking is the 1st of July 2006.

Available formats and locations: Printed litho, 133 screen (b/w) artwork only.
Trim size 290 mm by 210 mm.
Bleed page size: 310 mm by 220 mm.
Special positions: back cover only (4 color).
Date: 1 July, 2006
Publication Date: September, 2006
Circulation: 3,000
Cancellation: Cannot be accepted after the 1 August, 2006
Booking Conditions

1. BKC reserves the right to withhold publication of any advertisement.

2. No liability of any nature will be accepted by either BKC or the publisher (whether under statute or common law) in connection with:

  • the late publication of the guide/directory;
  • the entry and/or advertisement as it appears in its published form;
  • the failure of any entry or advertisement to appear in the guide/directory or any particular part of guide/directory;
  • any error in or omission from the entry or advert as it appears in its published form; except when the entry or advertisement fails to appear or any significant error or omission in relation there to arises through the fault of BKC, in which case BKC's total liability will be limited to the refund of the fee paid. No other loss or consequential loss of any nature will be recognized.

    3. Final payment is due before the deadline.


    I have read and agree to the booking conditions and enclose:
    A: Completed questionnaire
    B: Signed declaration

    I wish to book:

    Full page (250 mm by 165 mm) 500 £
    Half page (122 mm by 165 mm) 290 £
    Quarter page (59,5 mm by 165 mm) 190 £
    Quarter page (122 mm by 80 mm) 190 £
    2-3 Cover page  
    - Full page 700 £
    - Half page 400 £
    Back cover  
    - Full page 900 £
    Recommended language programmes 160 £
    Discount Card (59,5 mm by 80 mm)
    Click here to fill in the Standart Entry Questionnaire.
    60 £

    For all positions listed above the MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS are as follows: CMYK, 300 dpi, real size, TIFF (EPS) format for PC.

    We also offer 10% discount when participating both in Guide and Exhibition Foreign Languages PLUS.
    Our old clients could have 10% discount or barter scheme.

    We offer 5% discount when paying before the 1st of June
    If you require any further information, please, do not hesitate to contact us.



    A proof will be sent to you prior to publication.

    Should you have any questions please contact us by
    phone: + 7 (095) 967-6700,
    fax: + 7 (095) 737-6579,
    or e-mail: [email protected].


    Запись на бесплатный вебинар по английскому языку

    Запись на бесплатный марафон по английскому языку