Название: Time And Again
Исполнитель: A-Ha
Альбом: Lifelines
Год: 2002 Язык: Английский
The sun brought me
The moon caught me
The wind fought me
The rain got me
The road sent me
For years bent me
The stars overwhelmed me
Time and again
But now I can't see the stars
The star is a thing I can't see
And now I don't feel the same
To feel is a thing that can't be
Work crushed me
Fame brushed me
The streets hushed me
As life touched me
Time placed me
Events dazed me
Love saved me
Now and again
But now there can be no love
Love is a thing that can't be
And there can be no trust
Trust is a thing I can't see
But now there can be no love
Love is a thing that can't be
Now I can't be so strong
Strong is a thing I can't be
Time and again
Time and again
The sun brought me
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