Название: Did Anyone Approach You
Исполнитель: A-Ha
Альбом: Lifelines
Год: 2002 Язык: Английский
You never look up
You never look back
You never say anything based on fact
You've got issues going way back
You never say 'hi'
You never say much
You never make an effort to stay in touch
I got this feeling something happened here
Something happened here
Did anybody feel you?
Did anybody deal you?
Did anybody make you do some things now?
Did anyone approach you?
Did anybody tell you what to say now?
Hopeless . it's not hopeless
Doubtful . but not hopeless at all
You never looked up
You never look back
You never did anything in between
Are things black and white with you
You never believe
You never belong
You never made milestones to call your own
I got this feeling something happened here
Something happened here
Did anybody hide you?
Did anybody fight you?
Did anyone decide to do some harm now?
Did anybody read you?
Did anybody bleed you?
Did anybody feed you lots of junk now?
Hopeless . it's not hopeless
Doubtful . but not hopeless
Hopeless . it's not hopeless
Doubtful . but not hopeless at all
Hopeless . it's not hopeless
Doubtful . but not hopeless at all
Something happened here
Something happened here
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