Название: You Are The One
Исполнитель: A-Ha
Альбом: Stay On These Roads
Год: 1988 Язык: Английский
You are the one who has done me in
Guess you knew from the start
I call again, but there's no one in
Don't know where, with whom you've been
But I do
Love you
Anyway you want me to
You are the one...now the state I'm in!
Catching you was so hard
I fought for you, did you let me win!?
Don't even care, you don't care
Where I've been
But I do
Love you
Anyway you want me to
I.ve done all I can do
All the letters...I've sent through
Put my life in the palms of your hands
Maybe now you can see
That it's got to be me
But if you leave me
I'll understand, yeah
If you leave me, I'll understand
You are the one who has done me in
Guess you knew from the start
I call your friends, but there's no one in
Catching you is so hard
You are the one!
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