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Название: The Piper (Benny Andersson, Bjorn Ulvaeus)
Исполнитель: ABBA
Альбом: Miscellaneous Tracks
Язык: Английский

    They came from the hills And they came from the valleys and the plains They struggled in the cold In the heat and the snow and in the rain Came to hear him play Play their minds away We're all following a strange melody We're all summoned by a tune We're following the piper And we dance beneath the moon We're following the piper And we dance beneath the moon for him And we dance beneath the moon Sub luna saltamus They came from the south From the west and the north and from the east They waited for the man Like a parish is waiting for the priest Longed to hear him play Play their minds away We're all following a strange melody We're all summoned by a tune We're following the piper And we dance beneath the moon We're following the piper And we dance beneath the moon for him And we dance beneath the moon Sub luna saltamus He gave them a dream He seduced everybody in the land The fire in his eyes And the fear was a weapon in his hand So they let him play Play their minds away We're all following a strange melody We're all summoned by a tune We're following the piper And we dance beneath the moon We're following the piper And we dance beneath the moon for him And we dance beneath the moon

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