Название: Avant Garden
Исполнитель: Aerosmith
Альбом: Just Push Play
Год: 2001 Язык: Английский
I had a friend
Who spoke of faith
And he knew of another place
In space and time
He told of how me and my lady
Could look
But we would never find
Said if you please, I beg your pardon
Sometimes the things you see they just ain't so
Your life can be an avant garden
'Cause loves what makes your garden grow
The sun leads the way
The moon lights the sky
I see you and I
Lyin' in my avant garden
I dream of the day
When our worlds collide
We won't be denied
Here inside our avant garden
Sometimes my life ain't what it's seemin'
Right from the start it's what your heart's believin'
Could all this just be lucid dreamin'
But dreams just ain't enough for me
The sun leads the way
The moon lights the sky
I see you and I
Lyin' in my avant garden
I dream of the day
When our worlds collide
We won't be denied
Here inside our avant garden
You know it just ain't right
To deal with other's shite
No one should ever be so broken hearted
Don't ever be afraid
'Cause when you got it made
Yeah you dont even have to try
So I'll be waitin' in your garden
Watching all your flowers grow
The sun leads the way
The moon lights the sky
I see you and I
Lyin' in my avant garden
I dream of the day
When our worlds collide
You'll know we've arrived
Here inside our avant garden
The sun brings the rain
The moon needs the sky
I see you and I
Lyin' in my avant garden
Beware of the lies
A word to the wise
There's sweet cherry pies
And truth inside our avant garden
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