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Название: No More No More
Исполнитель: Aerosmith
Альбом: Pandora's Box
Год: 1991
Язык: Английский

    blood stains the ivories on my daddy's baby grand ain't seen the daylight since we started this band no more, no more (2x) store-bought clothes fallin' 'part at the seams tea leaf-readin' gypsies fortune-tellin' my dreams no more, no more (2x) Holiday Inn, lock the door with a chain you love 'em and you hate it but to me they're all the same no more, no more (3x) baby I'm a dreamer found my horse and carriage stalemate jailbait ladies can't refuse you love 'em then you leave 'em with your sold out reviews no more, no more (2x) sweet-talkin' bar room ladies disease slippin' with her lips slidin' down your knees no more, no more (3x) *** screamer bound to a wife in marriage baby I'm a dreamer found my horse and carriage ladies hold the aces while my lovers call it passion * the men call it pleasure but to me it's old fashioned times they're a-changin' nothing ever stands still if I don't stop changin' I'll be writin' my will it's the same old story never get a second chance for a dance to the top of the hill babe I'm a dreamer found my horse and carriage

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