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Название: Kiss and Tell
Исполнитель: Alexander Rybak
Альбом: Fairytales
Год: 2009
Язык: Английский
Скачать песню (6.29 Мб)

    And you always try to warn me Of the pretty girls out there Now I finally learned my lesson And she got a story to share. Don't kiss and tell! Don't kiss and tell! Listen son my mama said Love don't cost a thing. Happiness is free for all Just treat it like it's king. And if you true love leaves one day Make sure not to go wrong The girl will laugh all the way As she waves so long. Don't kiss and tell! And you always try to warn me Don't kiss and tell! Of the pretty girls out there Don't kiss and tell! Now I finally learned my lesson And she got a story to share. Some years later I found love, When it seem to go my way. The girl is like a fairytale, I didn't have to pay. So one day my sweetheart went Then mama's words came true Crying with a broken heart I was left all blue. Don't kiss and tell! And you always try to warn me Don't kiss and tell! Of the pretty girls out there Don't kiss and tell! Now I finally learned my lesson And she got a story to share. Love is always Love is always for sale Cause someone's willing Someone's willing to pay Don't kiss and tell! And you always try to warn me Of the pretty girls out there Now I finally learned my lesson And she got a story to share. Don't kiss and tell! And you always try to warn me Don't kiss and tell! Of the pretty girls out there Don't kiss and tell! Now I finally learned my lesson And she got a story to share.

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