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Название: Real Thing
Исполнитель: Alice In Chains
Альбом: Facelift
Год: 1990
Язык: Английский

    I messed around as a little boy I grew up, made the blade my new toy Friends said boy with what you screwin' around I said Don't concern yourselves and just Gimme another blast yeah Under the hill, with just a few notches on my belt Take it away, don't want no more Even if you say just one more I won't leave you alone I grew up, went into rehab You know the doctors never did me no good They said son you're gonna be a new man I said thank you very much and Can I borrow fifty bucks? Under the hill, with just a few notches on my belt Take it away, don't want no more Even if you say just one more I won't leave you alone 'Cause I'm goin' down the steps on a white line Goin' down the steps on a white line Goin' down the steps on a white line Straight to nowhere Goin' down the steps on a white line Goin' down the steps on a white line Goin' down the steps on a white line Straight to nowhere I messed around as a little boy I grew up, made the blade my new toy Friends said boy what you fucking around, I said Oh my god you'll be goin down Under the hill, with just a few notches on my belt Take it away, don't want no more, no more Even if you say just one more I won't leave you alone 'Cause I'm goin' down the steps on a white line Goin' down the steps on a white line Goin' down the steps on a white line Straight to nowhere Goin' down the steps on a white line Goin' down the steps on a white line Goin' down the steps on a white line Straight to nowhere Follow me down Sexual chocolate babe

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