Proud, proud is to hear it all yeah yeah
Proud ah proud, proud is to watch us fall yeah yeah
Make a wish, make a succotash wish
You live the pompous life
Throw kisses all the time
Make wishes don.t break mine
Cold fire use to inspire all not now
These are tired, maybe they.ll find their niche
Or resort to wish
Make a wish, make a succotash wish
You live the pompous life
Throw kisses all the time
Make wishes don.t break mine
Don.t be low, you better watch the road
Don.t be low, you got the strength and the balls
Chimes use to break my wish
Back.won.t you bring him back? Not now
Don.t be low, you better watch the road
Don.t be low, you got the strength and the balls
Chimes use to break my wish
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