We should have waited
We should have waited
We love to break the season
And you.re the reason
We use to shake the beehive
To relax and rewind
See why you cry, see why you save
Your regimen is gonna die
See what you know
Let.s see what you throw
Your regimen
Waiting? So
Waiting? I know
We love to break the season
And you.re the reason
We use to shake the beehive
To relax and rewind
See why you came, see why you go
Your regiment is oh too slow
See why you cry, get sting from the hive
Your regimen
Waiting? So
Waiting? I know
We love to break the season
And you.re the reason
We use to shake the beehive
To relax and rewind
See! And we don.t mind
Are you sane? Are you ashamed?
We love to break the season
And you.re the reason
We use to shake the beehive
To relax and rewind
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