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Название: To Germany With Love
Исполнитель: Alphaville
Альбом: Forever Young
Год: 1984
Язык: Английский

    I am an КmigrК, I write to Germany In foreign words A tongue of actuality Coated in grey gloves To Germany with love A war between the wars To Germany with love I am an КmigrК, I write to Germany In foreign words A tongue of actuality Coated in grey gloves... To Germany with love A war between the wars A war between the wars Triumph over bygone sorrow Can in unity be won Let them all pursue this purpose 'till reality is gone I am an unexpected spy... From the outside of my eye Translate it first then comprehend I'm here indeed but there I stand... I write to Germany, I write to Germany To Germany with love... Germany with love This is the turn of colours All real but still unseen There is no more decision 'cause there's too much in between Let us build a nightmare-nation Learn and work as never yet That this cold new generation Faith in its own fears beget Here comes the modern rat Here comes the terror-squad Ours is the salt of wisdom Here we come all dressed in black From the ruins risen slowly To the future turned we stand Flourish in this blessing glory Flourish German fatherland... I write to Germany, I write to Germany To Germany with love... Germany with love All quiet in Germany, all quiet in Germany

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