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Название: Stand Together
Исполнитель: Beastie Boys
Альбом: Check Your Head
Год: 1992
Язык: Английский

    I don't see things quite the same as I used to As I live my life I've got just me to be true to And when I find that I don't know about Just what to do I turn and look within to see what I should do Now I'm not sure what it takes to be hip A lot of people making music that to be ain't shit So I ask creation For rhymes for this jam Gimme lickle solo and I'll take the mic stand Love vibe As the earth spins into brand new day I see the light on the horizons's not fading away Gonna shine from within like a bright white sun No need to hide and no place to run Got the vibrations of the music Bringing light to your mind So you can move and groove And feel the beat of the time Sense the power in the air as it starts to move You get a real good feeling that you just can't lose Contemplation time, intuition time Evolution time, resolution time Free your mind it's time for good times And let yourself move it's a time to shine Spread your wings in the sky, feelin' good inside Breaking fool with no need to hide I got the music cuttin' throught me Takin' control of my soul I can't hold back I've got to let go Stand together people come together now It's about time we've got to get together y'all

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