Название: The Night Before (Lennon/McCartney)
Beatles (The)
Альбом: Help!
Год: 1965 Язык: Английский
We said our goodbyes, ah, the night before.
Love was in your eyes, ah, the night before.
Now today I find you have changed your mind.
Treat me like you did the night before.
Were you telling lies, ah, the night before?
Was I so unwise, ah, the night before?
When I held you near you were so sincere.
Treat me like you did the night before.
Last night is a night I will remember you by.
When I think of things we did it makes me wanna cry.
We said our goodbye, ah, the night before.
Love was in your eyes, ah, the night before.
Now today I find you have changed your mind.
Treat me like you did the night before.
When I held you near you were so sincere.
Treat me like you did the night before.
Last night is a night I will remember you by.
When I think of things we did it makes me wanna cry.
Were you telling lies, ah, the night before?
Was I so unwise, ah, the night before?
When I held you near you were so sincere.
Treat me like you did the night before,
like the night before
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