Название: It Won't Be Long (Lennon/McCartney)
Beatles (The)
Альбом: With the Beatles
Год: 1963 Язык: Английский
Ev'ry night when ev'rybody has fun,
Here am I sitting all on my own,
It won't be long yeh, yeh,
It won't be long yeh, yeh,
It won't be long yeh, yeh,
Till I belong to you.
Since you left me I'm so alone,
Now you're coming, you're coming home,
I'll be good like I know I should,
You're coming home, you're coming home.
Ev'ry night the tears come down from my eyes,
Ev'ry day I've done nothing but cry.
It won't be long yeh, yeh.
Since you left me I'm so alone,
Now you're coming, you're coming home,
I'll be good like I know I should,
You're coming home, you're coming home.
Ev'ry day we'll be happy, I know,
Now I know that you won't leave me no more.
It won't be long yeh, yeh.
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