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Название: Survival
Исполнитель: Bob Marley
Альбом: Survival
Год: 1999
Язык: Английский

    (ow, ow-ow-ow-ow! Ow, ow-ow-ow-ow!) Yeah, yeah, yeah! How can you be sitting there Telling me that you care - That you care? When every time I look around, The people suffer in the suffering In everyway, in everywhere. Say: na-na-na-na-na (na-na, na-na!): We're the survivors, yes: the black survivors! I tell you what: some people got everything; Some people got nothing; Some people got hopes and dreams; Some people got ways and means. Na-na-na-na-na (na-na, na-na!): We're the survivors, yes: the black survivors! Yes, we're the survivors, like daniel out of the lions' den (black survivors) survivors, survivors! So I idren, I sistren, A-which way will we choose? We better hurry; oh, hurry; oh, hurry; wo, now! 'cause we got no time to lose. Some people got facts and claims; Some people got pride and shame; Some people got the plots and schemes; Some people got no aim it seems! Na-na-na-na-na, na-na, na! We're the survivors, yes: the black survivors! Tell you what: we're the survivors, yeah! - the black survivors, yeah! We're the survivors, like shadrach, meshach and abednego (black survivors), Thrown in the fire, but-a never get burn. So I idren, i-sistren, The preaching and talkin' is done; We've gotta live up, wo now, wo now! - 'cause the father's time has come. Some people put the best outside; Some people keep the best inside; Some people can't stand up strong; Some people won't wait for long. (na-na-na-na-na!) na-na-na, na-na-na na! We're the survivors In this age of technological inhumanity (black survival), Scientific atrocity (survivors), Atomic misphilosophy (black survival), Nuclear misenergy (survivors): It's a world that forces lifelong insecurity (black survival). Together now: (na-na-na-na-na!) na na-na na na! (na na-na na na!) We're the survivors, yeah! We're the survivors! Yes, the black survivors! We're the survivors: A good man is never honoured (survivors) In his own yountry (black survival). Nothing change, nothing strange (survivors). Nothing change, nothing strange (black survivors). We got to survive, y'all! (survivors) - /fadeout/ [*sleeve notes: But to live as one equal in the eyes Of the almighty.]

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