Название: Distant Voices
Исполнитель: Bush
Альбом: Razorblade Suitcase
Год: 1996 Язык: Английский
I never thought I'd get away
Cos all there is, is faded for us today
Maybe you sleep well in your head
Don't bring on the night and cold moon born instead
Cos I'm gonna find my way to the sun
If I destroy myself
Swallowing habits die real hard
And the coat she wore could not conceal the scars
Beneath the magic of her lace
Are a thousand loneley faces, she can't place
I'm gonna find my way to the sun
If I destroy myself I can't shine on
I'm gonna find my way to the sun
When I destroy myself I can't shine on
Shine, shine, shine
Sooner or later masturbator lose
Stationary westway running from you
And true to self destruct in veins
We have found a way to keep the gift that remains
Cos I'm gonna find my way to the sun
If I destroy myslef I can move on
Cos I'm gonna find my way to the sun
If I destroy myself I can shine on
Shine, shine, shine
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