Название: Living Proof
Исполнитель: Cat Power
Альбом: The Greatest
Год: 2006 Язык: Английский Прослушать песню:
It's not your face
Or the color of your hair
Or the sound of your voice my dear
That's got me dragged in here
It's the ice in the seam, the scheme of you
You're supposed to have the answer
You're supposed to have living proof
Yes I was jealous
Because you are sworn
How could you come undone to a word so strong
My beating heart the anchor to a ship so warm
You're supposed to have the answer
You're supposed to have living proof
Well I?m your answer I am living
Will you terrorize this
With your perfect lips
I watch you eat and feed this mess
To the running wind
But I know you from before and after until then
Do you have your answer
Do you have living proof
Well I am your answer I am living
You're supposed to have your answer
You're supposed to have living proof
Do you have your answer
Do you have your answer
Well I'm your answer I am living
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