Название: Faith
Исполнитель: Celine Dion
Альбом: One Heart
Год: 2003 Язык: Английский
Don't be afraid
Feeling this way
I'm gonna make you understand
It's not about you
Cuz I am the fool
Building castles in the sand
If I act crazy
Just don't care
It doesn't mean I don't want you near
This is the story about me and you
And it's called...
Right beside you is where I'll stay
Oh, faith
Just take me as I am
So please have faith
So many times
In so many ways
I didn't know just where to go
You gave me a sign
And opened my eyes
That's the reason why I know
That this is different
You're still here
I guess you figured me out right there
Now I believe that we can make it through
And that's called...
Right beside you is where I'll stay
Oh, faith
Just take me as I am
So please have faith...
Have faith...
So don't be afraid
Feeling this way
Just hear me out ...stay!
And that's called...
Right beside you is where I'll stay
It's not too late
Just take me as I am
So please have faith...
It's not too late
Just keep the faith
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