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Название: A World To Believe In
Исполнитель: Celine Dion
Альбом: Taking Chances
Год: 2007
Язык: Английский

    I've seen the tears and the heartache And I 've felt the pain I've seen the And so many lives lost in vain And yet through this darkness There's always a light that shines through And takes me back home, takes me back home All of the promises broken And all of the songs left unsung Seem so far away As I make my way back to you You gave me faith And you gave me a world to believe in You gave me a love to believe in And feeling this love I can rise up above And be strong, and be whole once again I know that dreams we hold on to Can just fade away And I know that words can be wasted with so much to say And when I feel helpless There's always a hope that shines through And makes me believe And makes me believe And I see for one fleeting moment A paradise under the sun I drift away And I make my way back to you You gave me faith And you gave me a world to believe in You gave me a love to believe in And feeling this love I can rise up above And be strong and be whole once again Life goes on Can leave us with sorrow and pain And I hold on To all that you are To all that we'll be And I can go on once again You gave me a love to believe in You gave me a love to believe in And feeling this love I can rise up above And be strong And be whole Once again You gave me a love to believe in You gave me a love to believe in And feeling this love I can rise up above And be strong And be whole Once again 'Cause your love Heals my soul Once again I can live I can dream Once again 'Cause you made me believe

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