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Название: Thank You - Dedication To Fans
Исполнитель: Christina Aguilera
Альбом: Back To Basic
Год: 2006
Язык: Английский
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    It seems like a lifetime Since I felt like a prisoner of my dreams, yeah It took such a long time For me to realize just how to be And to listen to me Don't go thinking I'm not thankful, 'Cause me, I've got my hands full of good things, oh And I hope I can give back A little bit of what you've given me So thank you for standing right by me (I will always love you) So thank you for being behind me (You are just so amazing) And watching me grow and letting others know That you still believe in what I'll be Ha. So people have said things in times About me that weren't always true Ooh yeah But you've always been there To give that extra love to pull me through To do what I gotta do Cause there'll always be those ups and downs But you've always seemed to stick around and see See me through to believe, yeah And I hope I can give back A little bit of what you've given me You give me all that I need, yeah So thank you for standing right by me (I thank you for everything) So thank you for being behind me (Thank you, Christina) And watching me grow and letting others know That you still believe in what I'll be (Sing it, girl) It took awhile 'til I could do what I wanted And now I'm so happy that it started where we started I'm thanking God that I could be in the position To do my own thing now and make my own decisions And so I'm thanking you for being true And standing by me through and through

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