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Название: Christmas Time
Исполнитель: Christina Aguilera
Альбом: My Kind Of Christmas
Год: 2000
Язык: Английский

    Oh, hey When I was young every Christmas Eve I could not sleep Trying to catch that old St. Nick Leaving presents under my tree And every year I'd fall asleep laying in my bed Dreaming of a million sugarplums Dancing in my head Oh how much joy it is at Christmas time The spirit of giving is in our lives, oh Oh, how much joy it brings to see the ones you love This year's gonna be the best Christmas because There'll be family and Christmas cheer Peace and goodwill to all men Everybody is home for Christmas Everybody is home Sneaking a kiss under the mistletoe I want a white Christmas so let it snow Everybody is home for Christmas Everybody is home, it's Christmas time Friends come together as we decorate the tree This is the time of year to live in harmony, oh Angels watch over as we put the kids to sleep (It's Christmas time) And when they awake their smiling faces Make it all complete, oh This is the holiday you're with the family We put aside our differences and let it be, oh Oh, how much fun it is to give and to receive This time of year, love is all we need oh There'll be family and Christmas cheer Peace and goodwill to all men Everybody is home for Christmas Everybody is home Sneaking a kiss under the mistletoe I want a white Christmas so let it snow Everybody is home for Christmas Everybody is home, it's Christmas time It's Christmas time Fa la la la la Fa la la la la la la... Open your heart now This is the time for us to give The world needs love now So live and let live, families all here The spirit is good cheer, the sound of carolers Ringing sweet in my ear, everything is all fine You know why, it's Christmastime, what? Oh how much joy it is at Christmas time The spirit of giving is in our lives Oh, oh how much joy it brings to see the one's you love This year's gonna be the best Christmas because There'll be family and Christmas cheer Peace and goodwill to all men Everybody is home for Christmas Everybody is home Sneaking a kiss under the mistletoe I want a white Christmas so let it snow Everybody is home for Christmas Everybody is home, it's Christmas time

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