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Название: Daylight
Исполнитель: Coldplay
Альбом: A Rush Of Blood To The Head
Год: 2002
Язык: Английский

    To my surprise, and my daylight, I saw sun rise, I saw sunlight, I am nothing, in the dark, And the clouds burst to show a daylight, Oooooo and the sun shines, Yeaaahhh on this star of mine, Oooooo and I realise, Oooooo couldn't live without, Oooooo couldn't part without it On a hill top, on a sky rise, Like a first born, child, At a full tilt, and at full flight You see darkness, in the daylight Oooooo and the sun shines, Yeaaahhh on this star of mine, Oooooo and I realise, Oooooo couldn't be without, Oooooo couldn't part without, daylight Slowly breaking through the daylight To my surprise, and my daylight, I saw sun rise, I saw sunlight, I am nothing, in the dark, And the clouds burst to show a daylight, Oooooo and the sun shines, Yeaaahhh on this star of mine, Oooooo and I realise, Oooooo couldn't live without, Oooooo couldn't part without it On a hill top, on a sky rise, Like a first born, child, At a full tilt, and at full flight You see darkness, in the daylight Oooooo and the sun shines, Yeaaahhh on this star of mine, Oooooo and I realise, Oooooo couldn't be without, Oooooo couldn't part without, daylight Slowly breaking through the daylight

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