Название: Into the Fire (Blackmore/Gillan/Glover/Lord/Paice)
Исполнитель: Deep Purple
Альбом: Deep Purple In Rock
Год: 1970 Язык: Английский
...out of the frying pan.
Take the trouble to decide the things you do
Will not be the things that don't appeal to you
See the mess your makin' can't you see your fakin'
Gonna make it hard for you, you're gonna--into the fire
Turn on the mandrake that was given to you
See if you can make it like the others do
Feel the blood a knockin' when you're finger poppin'
Gonna make it hard for you, you're gonna--into the fire
Stop your bleeding mind before it's over and done
Listen very closely to the message I've sung
Feel the blood a knockin' when you're finger poppin'
Gonna get a message through, you're gonna--into the fire
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