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Название: Hexagram
Исполнитель: Deftones
Альбом: Deftones
Год: 2003
Язык: Английский

    Paint the streets in white! Death is the standard Breach for a complex prize! I think it's sweet of you And your parents are proud But I would expect it from anyone Now to protect life's indigenous sound! Worship! Play, play Worship! Play, play Worship! Play, play Worship! Play! Worship! Play Worship! Worship! Worship! Play, play Worship! Play, play Worship! Play, play Worship! Play! Worship! Worship! How the streets they swell! While the animals make their way through the crowds! If you keep listening you can hear it for miles God, I trust everyone quicker with every faint smile! Worship! Play, play Worship! Play, play Worship! Play, play Worship! Play, play Worship! Worship! Worship! Play, play Worship! Worship! Worship! Play, play Worship! Play, play Worship! Play, play Worship! Play, play Worship! Worship! Worship! Play, play Worship! Worship! Worship! And the crowd goes wild! And the camera makes you seasick! God it's so sweet of you and I know you're proud And the car bomb hits quick click, faint smile! It's the same sound It's the same, same sound And the crowd goes wild! And the camera makes you seasick! God it's so sweet of you and you know I'm proud And the car bomb tick ticks with the same sound! It's the same sound! With the same sound Hexagram

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