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Название: Do You Have A Little Time
Исполнитель: Dido
Альбом: Life For Rent
Год: 2003
Язык: Английский

    If you're feeling low and lost today You're probably doing too much again You spend all your hours just rushing around Do you have a little time Do you have a little time for me? Slow down my love you're confusing me If you're feeling stressed just try calling You spend your time waiting for anyone to see Do you have a little time Do you have a little time for me? If you should stop for a while You will find me standing by Over here at the side of your life I'd like to hold you still, remind you of all you've missed If you have a little time If you have a little time that is Why do you still run when you could walk with me Life will pass you by when you move as quickly What can you see when you're spinning around Do you have a little time Do you have a little time for me If you should stop for a while You will find me standing by Over here at the side of your life I like to hold you still, remind you of all you've missed If you have a little time If you have a little time that is If you let me listen I'll make you feel clear You spend your time waiting for anyone to see If you should stop for a while You will find me standing by Over here at the side of your life I'd like to hold you still, remind you of all you've missed If you have a little time If you have a little time that is If you should stop for a while You will find me standing by Over here at the side of your life I'd like to hold you still, remind you of all you've missed If you have a little time If you have a little time that is

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