Название: I Will Survive
Исполнитель: Enrique Iglesias
Альбом: Escape
Год: 2002 Язык: Английский
You like to think
That you're the only one who understands my needs
And you tell everyone
That I can't live without you even for one day
But who gave you the right
To talk about the way I feel so deep inside
Now I realize
You were never mine
We were never right
Baby you will find
I will survive
I in gonna make it through
Just give me time
I will get over you
I will survive
No matter what you do
Just wait and see
I will get over you
Cause Baby I will survive
What makes you think
That I don't see the ways you made a fool of me
Don't laugh behind my back
Cause what goes around I promise you comes back
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