Название: This Guy's In Love With You
Исполнитель: Faith No More
Альбом: Who Cares A Lot: Greatest Hits
Год: 1998 Язык: Английский
You see this guy
this guy's in love with you
Yes, I'm in love
who looks at you the way I do
when you smile I can tell
we know each other very well
how can I show you I'm glad
I got to know you, 'cause:
I've heard some talk
they say you think I'm fine
Yes, I'm in love
and what I'd do to make you mine,
tell me now, is it so?
Don't let me be the last to know.
My hands are shaking
don't let my heart keep breaking, 'cause
I need your love
I want your love
say you're in love
in love with this guy,
if not I'll just die.
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