Название: Can't Cry These Tears
Исполнитель: Garbage
Альбом: Beautifulgarbage
Год: 2001 Язык: Английский
I just don't care anymore
I've reached the end of the road
I just don't care anymore
Won't cry these tears anymore
Can't find it in the bible
Can't find it on TV
Can't find it in diamonds
There's something inside me that just won't allow me to
Find it in music
Can't find it in my soul
Can't find it in chocolate
Oh babe I can't hide it
I can't even find it in you
There's no way she can kiss you
The way that I do
I heard that you miss me
Oh you should be careful of who you keep talking to
Long nights without you have taught me to be strong
I've cut all my losses
Think no more about it cause I couldn't find it in you
There was a time I thought I'd die
If you should ever leave me high and dry
Now you don't want me any more
It's time to settle the score
I just don't care anymore
I've reached the end of my tether
I've torn all your letters up
I just don't care anymore
Won't cry these tears anymore
I just don't care anymore
I've reached the end of my rope
And it's time that I told you so
I just don't care anymore
Won't cry these tears anymore
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