Название: Moon Baby
Исполнитель: Godsmack
Альбом: All Wound Up
Год: 1998 Язык: Английский
Let's take a blast to the moon baby
I sit around wishing you well
How I'm craving you, yeah!
Every time I'm near you
I always wanna swallow you down
I'll be right here if ya' need me
In my life, I'll need you here, don't ask why
I'll never disappear
Why is it everyday that I feel the pain?
Let's take a trip to the stars far away
Where were you when I was down?
Staring into the dead
My pain is caused by my pleasure
My soul mate lives in your body
I can't get you out of my head
It never goes away
In my life, I'll need you here, don't ask why
I'll never disappear
In your eyes you can bid me farewell
But don't ever try to understand the situation
Why is it everyday that I feel the pain?
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