Название: I Love You (Prelude to Tragedy)
Исполнитель: HIM
Альбом: Razorblade Romance
Год: 2000 Язык: Английский
I see it in your eyes I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips And baby more i love you
Can't you see my darling That the harder i try
The more we grow apart Please believe me
The sweeter the kiss The colder turn your arms
And the colder grows your heart And baby more i love you
I see it in your eyes I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips And baby more i love you
I see it in your eyes I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips And baby more i love you
And you're in my heart my darling The closer i get
The more you're out of love Don't you feel it
The colder your touch The more it turns me on
And the faster beats my heart And baby more i love you
I see it in your eyes I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips And baby more i love you
I see it in your eyes I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips And baby more i love you
I see it in your eyes I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips And baby more i love you
I see it in your eyes I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips And baby more i love you
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