Название: Sigillum Diaboli
Исполнитель: HIM
Альбом: Razorblade Romance
Год: 2000 Язык: Английский
I can't see as I'm facing your pityful lies
Don't have the strength to carry your heavy load of life
I'm your christ to die on you
I just woke up for hers and you know it as well as I do
I can't see through your eyes, bring your tears on me
I will live the body for your shoulder just have to killing
I'm your christ to die on you
I just woke up for hers and you know it as well as I do
as well as I do
as well as I do
Just as well as I do
as well as I do
as well as I do
So I'm your christ to die on you
I just woke up for hers and you know it as well as I do
So I'm your christ to die on you
I just woke up for hers and you know it as well as I do
Oh, so you've come from above
and you say you want to
and I kill myself for your love
I'm killing myself for you, yes you
I can't see as I face your pityful lies
Don't have the strength to carry your heavy load of life
I'm your christ to die on you
I just woke up for hers and you know it as well as I do
Yes you do
Yes you do, my Darling
Yes you do..oh
Yes you do, oh my Love
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