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Название: The Special
Исполнитель: Hot Action Cop
Альбом: Hot Action Cop
Год: 2003
Язык: Английский

    Oh well, From my parked car window on the passenger side, She be leanin' over to me tellin' me I can't rely on anything in this world, With the tear drops fallin' from her fake green eyes and the makeup runnin', I believe in every lie over and over again, Break me until I bend, She is so crazy, She is so far above, She know when I will need it so, She treats me with her love, Forever's not long (forever's not long), Tomorrow's too far away, She gives me what I needed so, I give her what she takes, She is the special for my pain, I need the special for my pain- Do whatever you want, Yeah I'm gonna do whatever I want- With the street lights hummin' under starlit skies, She be runnin' to her cousins tellin' him you can't rely, On turnin' boys to men (bitch), And so she shows me lovin' and I free my mind, With the lovin' isn't lovin' in a state is all she finds, So she calls it romance, Baby that's the dance, She is so crazy (she is so crazy), She is so far above, She know when I will need it so, She treats me with her love, Forever's not long (forever's not long), Tomorrow's too far away, She gives me what I needed so, I give her what she takes, She is the special for my pain, I need the special for my pain- Put it over here baby- That's right, Ooh yeah- She is so crazy (she is so crazy), She is so far above, She know when I will need it so, She treats me with her love (she treats me with her love), Forever's not long (forever's not long), Tomorrow's too far away, She gives me what I needed (yeah she gives me what I needed) so, I give her what she takes, She is the special for my pain, I need the special for my pain, For my pain (for my pain), For my pain (for my pain baby), Once more gimme what I need, You know I think about you all the time, Don't even sweat me like that, I'll take what I want, You take what you want, What you cryin' for?

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