Название: Supersonic
Исполнитель: Jamiroquai
Альбом: Synkronized
Год: 1999 Язык: Английский
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Supersonic (x26)
In the whites of his eyes
There's a supersonic vibe
You can tell by the tears
He's a warrior who cries
He's supersonic
I think he's supersonic
Supersonic (repeat)
In the whites of his eyes
There's a supersonic vibe
You can tell by the tears
He's a warrior who cries
He's supersonic
I think he's supersonic
Supersonic (repeat)
In the whites of his eyes
There's a supersonic vibe
You can tell by the tears
He's a warrior who cries
He's supersonic
I think he's supersonic
I think he's supersonic
I think he's supersonic
I think he's supersonic
I think he's supersonic
Supersonic (repeat)
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