Название: I'm Real
Исполнитель: Jennifer Lopez
Альбом: J.Lo
Год: 2001 Язык: Английский
Called you on the phone
Said I'm coming through
Hope your all alone
Caus I've got plans for you
We could stay at home
Or dance and hand all night
As long as I'm with you
It dosen't matter what we do
Don't ask me where I've been
Or what I'm gonna do
Just know that I'm here with you
Don't try to understand
Baby there's no mystery
Caus you know how I am
I'm real
What you get is what you see
What you trying to do to me
You want to say your mine
Be with me all the time
You're falling so in love
Say you just can't get enough
You're telling all your friends
You like the way I dress
The way I wear my hair
Show me off to all your friends
And baby I don't care
Just as long as you
Tell them who I am
Tell them I'm the one
That made you give a dam
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