Название: Carino
Исполнитель: Jennifer Lopez
Альбом: J.Lo
Год: 2001 Язык: Английский
Never have I ever wanted anyone
Like I want you babe
Come and
Let me show show you just how much I feel inside
I got so much love
Oh Baby when I get near you
Ooh, I can't control what I'm feeling, baby
I got so much love to give you
I've that I would probably want all the time
Carino, carino, carino, carino
I gotta have your love,
Need to feel your touch
Never get nough
Carino, carino
I wish that I
Could spend all my days and nights wrapped in your arms
Spending time with you
Caus all I see
In this would is me and you and no one else
Ooh I want you more and more
Oh baby, please understand me
I think that you deserve me, oh yeh
Caus I'm the type that would give you
All the love and affection that you need
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