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Название: Colours
Исполнитель: Jordin Sparks
Альбом: Non-album songs
Язык: Английский

    The sky was perfect blue Me and you with a new beginning One and one made two All we knew was that we had each other Like gentle lavender on my face, what a gorgeous feeling You took me up so high Felt so free with no walls or ceilings For every way my emotions have gone There's a shade that goes along Your painting of me like the canvases You're forging my song Went through so many changes Don't know how I became this There's a different shade for all that we've been through These are my colors for you I'm trying to think back to what I was before you But for every turn a different hue These are my colors for you So the seasons go brightly so we prepare for changes A certain change in tint There were hints while the bright ones faded Appear a perfect sky shattered by the remainings of pain Once so beautiful a perfect blue now is all in grey For every way my emotions have gone There's a shade that goes along Your painting of me like the canvases You're forging my song Went through so many changes Don't know how I became this There's a different shade for all that we've been through These are my colors for you I'm trying to think back to what I was before you But for every turn a different hue These are my colors for you A master of these colors brought up to your encounter Everything you put in me is now manifesting The lavenders, the blues, the grays and yellows too Have all gone into what you see standing here before you Went through so many changes Don't know how I became this There's a different shade for all that we've been through These are my colors for you I'm trying to think back to what I was before you But for every turn a different hue These are my colors for you Went through so many changes Don't know how I became this There's a different shade for all that we've been through These are my colors for you I'm trying to think back to what I was before you But for every turn a different hue These are my colors for you These are my colors for you

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