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Название: Sick Cycle Carousel
Исполнитель: Lifehouse
Альбом: No Name Face
Год: 2000
Язык: Английский

    If shame had a face I think it would kinda look like mine If it had a home would it be my eyes? Would you believe me if I said I'm tired of this? Well here we go now one more time I tried to climb your steps I tried to chase you down I tried to see how low I could get down to the ground. I tried to earn my way I tried to change this mind You better believe that I had tried to beat this So where will this end It goes on and on Over and over and over again Keep spinning around I know that it won't stop Til I step down from this for good I never thought I'd end up here Never thought I'd be standing where I am I guess I kinda thought that it would be easier than this I guess I was wrong now one more time I tried to climb your steps I tried to chase you down I tried to see how low I could get down to the ground. I tried to earn my way I tried to change this mind You better believe that I had tried to beat this So where will this end It goes on and on Over and over and over again Keep spinning around I know that it won't stop Til I step down from this Sick cycle carousel Sick cycle carousel Sick cycle carousel Sick cycle carousel So where will this end It goes on and on Over and over and over again Keep spinning around I know that it won't stop Til I step down from this for good So where will this end It goes on and on Over and over and over again Keep spinning around I know that it won't stop Til I step down from this for good Sick cycle carousel Sick cycle carousel Sick cycle carousel Sick cycle carousel Sick cycle carousel Sick cycle carousel Sick cycle carousel Sick cycle carousel

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