seems like an honest world
you're begging for the beggars' bread when the money's out
stand, climb, and fall
you carry the world
can't carry your own
when the world is falling down
and another breaks
and another falls
for losers always make the winners' day
stand, climb, and fall
you carry the weight
can't carry it all
are you falling
are you faking
are you healing
are you breaking
am I burning
am I only melting
these diamonds in the making
and I'm at the end of myself
anything you want
and nothing seems to satisfy me
take anything you want
a sound you know so well
you're living just to make it through another day
stand, climb, and fall
you carry the world
can't carry your own
are you falling
are you faking
are you healing
are you breaking
am I burning
am I only melting
these diamonds in the making
and I'm at the end of myself
anything you want
and nothing seems to satisfy me
take anything you want
take anything you want
take anything you want
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