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Название: Forgotten
Исполнитель: Linkin Park
Альбом: Hybrid Theory
Год: 2000
Язык: Английский
Скачать песню (7.65 Мб)

    From the top to the bottom Bottom to top I stop At the core I've forgotten In the middle of my thoughts Taken far from my safety The picture is there The memory won't escape me But why should I care (2x) There.s a place so dark you can't see the end (Skies cock back) and shock that which can't defend The rain then sends dripping acidic questions Forcefully, the power of suggestion Then with the eyes tightly shut looking thought the rust and rotten dust A spot of light floods the floor And pours over the rusted world of pretend The eyes ease open and its dark again Chorus Bridge: In the memory you'll find me Eyes burning up The darkness holding me tightly Until the sun rises up Moving all around Screaming of the ups and downs Pollution manifested in perpetual sound The wheels go round and the sunset creeps past the Street lamps, chain-link, and concrete A little piece of paper with a picture drawn Floats on down the street till the wind is gone The memory now is like the picture was then When the paper's crumpled up it can't be perfect again Chorus (2x) Bridge Now you got me caught in the act You bring the thought back I'm telling you that I see it right through you (7x) Bridge (2x)

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