Название: Love Makes The World Go Round
Исполнитель: Madonna
Альбом: True Blue
Год: 1986 Язык: Английский Прослушать песню:
Make love not war we say
It's easy to recite
But it don't mean a damn
Unless we're gonna fight
But not with guns and knives
We've got to save the lives
Of every boy and girl
That grows up in this world
There's hunger everywhere
We've got to take a stand
Reach out for someone's hand
Love makes the world go round
It's easy to forget
If you don't hear the sound
Of pain and prejudice
Love makes the world go round
They think that love's a lie
But we can teach them how to try
Love means to understand
Reach out for someone's hand
'Cause everything you do
Comes back in time to you
We have to change our fate
Before it gets too late
Don't judge a man 'til you've been standin' in his shoes
You know that we're all so quick to look away
'Cause it's the easy thing to do
You know that what I say is true
Love makes the world go round...
Make love not war we say
It's easy to recite
But it don't mean a damn
Unless we're gonna fight
La la la la la la la...
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