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Название: This Time Around
Исполнитель: Michael Jackson
Альбом: HIStory
Год: 1995
Язык: Английский

    This time around I'll never get bit Though you really wanna fix me This time around you're making me sick Though you really wanna get me Soebody's out Somebody's out to get me They really wanna fix me, hit me But this time around I'm takin' no shit Though you really wanna get me You really wanna get me Chorus: He really thought he really had Had a hold of me He really thought he really had They thought they really had control of me He really thought he really had Control of me He really thought he really had They thought they really could control me This time around I'll never get bit Though you really wanna get me This time around I'm taking no shit Though you really wanna fix me Somebody's out Somebody's out to use me They really want to use me And they falsely accuse me This time around They'll take it like spit 'Cause you really can't control me Chorus (Repeat) Rap: Lisen, I've got problems of my own Flashin' cameras, taps on my phone Even in my home I ain't safe as I should be Things always missin' Maybe it could be my friends They ain't friends it they're robbin' me Stoppin' me from makin' a profit, see Apology shallow like the ocean I guess I'll resort to gun totin' If I was dead broke and smokin' I'd probably be by my lonesome I'm a killer nigga I ain't jokin' Endo smoke got me choked and I'm hopin' The fool comes slippin' So I could blow 'em open This time around I changed up my flow Got rid of the rocks Got Pitts by the door I've raised other peoples to watch my back Stay away from strangers So I won't slack And I know my nigga Mike like that Baby Chorus (Repeat - ad lib to end)

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