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Название: Little Susie
Исполнитель: Michael Jackson
Альбом: HIStory
Год: 1995
Язык: Английский

    Somebody killed Little Susie The girl with the tune Who sings in the daytime at noon She was there screaming Beating her voice in her doom But nobody came to her soon... A fall down the stairs Her dress torn Oh the blood in her hair... A mystery so sullen in air She lie there so tenderly Fashioned so slenderly Lift her with care, Oh the blood in her hair... Everyone came to see The girl that now is dead, So blind stare the eyes in her head... And suddenly a voice from the crowd said This girl lived in vain Her face bears such agony, such strain... But only the man from next door Knew Little Susie and how he cried, As he reached down To close Susie's eyes... She lie there so tenderly Fashioned so slenderly Lift her with care, Oh the blood in her hair... It was all for God's sake For her singing the tune, For someone to feel her dispair. To be damned to know hoping is dead and you're doomed Then to scream out And nobody's there... She knew no one cared... Father left home, poor mother died Leaving Susie alone Grandfater's soul too had flown... No one to care Just to love her How much can one bear, Rejecting the needs in her prayers... Neglection can kill Like a knife in your soul, Oh it will Little Susie fought so hard to live... She lie there so tenderly Fashioned so slenderly Lift her with care, So young and so fair.

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