That's the new word for today
It's very easy to say
Say Euphoria and you'll feel fine from the start
You can close your eyes
And see the world with your heart
Do what you wish, be what you are
What a victorious thrill
Wearing a smile, all of the while
Feeling the world standing still
Watch raindbows glow rest on a bed of flowers
Then dial a star
Anything's in your powers
Full euphoria
Knowing no ills, needing no pills
Singing a rock and roll hymn
Feeling glorious, full of love
Fine from the start
You can close your eyes
And see the world with your heart
How good to be happy and free
Living the way that you choose
Healthly and clean
Can't understand anyone having the blues
Euphoria never to feel frustration
How great to give euphoria invitation
Euphoria, euphoria
Long as we love each other
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