Looking in the mirror
Took me by surprise
I can't help but see you
Running often throuhg my mind
Helpless like a baby
Sensual disguise
I can't help but love you
It gets better all the time
I can't help it if I wanted to
I wouldn't help it even if I could
I can't help it if I wanted to
I wouldn't help it, no
I can't help it if I wanted to
I wouldn't help it even if I could
I can't help it if I wanted to
I wouldn't help it, no
Love to run my fingers
Softly while you sigh
Love came and possessed you
Bringing sparkles to your eyes
Like a trip to heaven
Heaven is the prize
I'm so glad I found you
You're an angel in disguise
I can't help it if I wanted to
I wouldn't help it even if I could
I can't help it if I wanted to
I wouldn't help it, no
(Repeat to fade)
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