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Название: Moonriver (Extended Version)
Исполнитель: Morrissey
Альбом: World Of Morrissey
Год: 1995
Язык: Английский

    Moonriver Wider than a mile I'll be crossing you in style Someday Oh, Dreammaker You heartbreaker Wherever you're going I'm going your way Two drifters Off to see the world I'm not so sure the world Deserves us We're after The same rainbow's end How come it's just around the bend ? It's always just around the bend ? Moonriver Wider than a mile I'll be crossing you in style Someday Oh, Dreammaker You heartbreaker Wherever you're going I'm going your way Two drifters Off to see the world I'm not so sure the world Deserves us We're after The same rainbow's end It's just around the bend It's just around the bend It's just around the bend It's just around the bend Oh ! Ooh ... Moonriver Wider than a mile I'll be crossing you in style Someday Oh, Dreammaker You heartbreaker Wherever you're going I'm going your way Two drifters Off to see the world I'm not so sure the world Deserves us We're after The same rainbow's end How come it's just around the bend ? It's always just around the bend ? -crying- Moonriver Wider than a mile I'll be crossing you in style Someday Oh, Dreammaker You heartbreaker Wherever you're going I'm going your way Two drifters Off to see the world I'm not so sure the world Deserves us We're after The same rainbow's end It's just around the bend It's just around the bend It's just around the bend It's just around the bend It's just around the bend What you gonna do ?

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