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Название: First Of The Gang To Die
Исполнитель: Morrissey
Альбом: You Are The Quarry
Год: 2004
Язык: Английский

    You have never been in love, Until you have seen the stars, reflect in the reservoirs And you have never been in love, Until you have seen the dawn rise, behind the home for the blind We are the pretty, petty thieves, And you're standing on our streets Where Hector was the first of the gang with a gun in his hand And the first to do time, the first of the gang to die, Oh my Hector was the first of the gang with a gun in his hand And the first to do time, the first of the gang to die, Oh my You have never been in love, Until you've seen the sunlight thrown, Over smashed human bone We are the pretty, petty thieves, And you're standing on our streets Where Hector was the first of the gang with a gun in his hand And the first to do time, the first of the gang to die, Such a silly boy Hector was the first of the gang with a gun in his hand And the bullet in his gullet and the first lost lad to go under the sod And he stole from the rich and the poor and not very rich and the very poor And he stole our hearts away He stole our hearts away, He stole our hearts away He stole our hearts away, He stole our hearts away

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