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Название: I Like You
Исполнитель: Morrissey
Альбом: You Are The Quarry
Год: 2004
Язык: Английский

    Something in you caused me to Take a new tact with you You were going through something I had just about scraped through Why do you think I let you get away With the things you say to me? Could it be I like you It's so shameful of me, I like you No one I ever knew or have spoken to Resembles you This is good or bad, all depending on My general mood Why do you think I let you get away With all the things you say to me? Could it be I like you It's so shameful of me, I like you Magistrates who spend their lives Hiding their mistakes They look at you and I, and Envy makes them cry, Envy makes them cry Forces of containment They shove their fat faces into mine You and I just smile Because we're thinking the same lines Why do you think I let you get away With all the things you say to me? Could it be I like you It's so shameful of me, I like you You're not right in the head and nor am I And this why You're not right in the head and nor am I And this why This is why I like you, I like you, I like you This is why I like you, I like you, I like you Because you're not right in the head, and nor am I And this is why, You're not right in the head, and nor am I And this is why, This is why I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you This is why I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, This is why I like you, I like you

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